Cryptographic and Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems for Solutions of Sudoku Puzzles

Posted by     "谢文进" on Tuesday, November 29, 2022

论文见Cryptographic and Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems for Solutions of Sudoku Puzzles。本篇论文详细的介绍了关于数独问题的密码学和物理上的零知识证明协议。可以了解到零知识证明协议的完整过程,一般步骤有哪些。

1 Introduction


  1. 给定一个数独问题,存在一个解
  2. 他知道这个解,但是不用给出关于解的任何其他信息


2 Definitions

一般化的数独问题,数独问题的大小是 $n = k^2$,总共 $n \times n$个格子,每个小块是 $k \times k$大小的,那么数的范围是 ${ 1, …, n}$。比如常见的 $k = 3$,$9 \times 9$ 大小的数独。一个具体数独问题例子和解都是 $O(n^2 \log n)$ 位的。

Cryptographic Functionalities


  1. completeness.


  2. soundness error.

    The soundness error (or soundness) of the protocol is the (upper bound on the) probability that a verifier accepts an incorrect proof, i.e. a proof to a fallacious statement; in our case this corresponds to the event that a prover who does not a solution to a given Sudoku puzzle, claims that it knows to solve it, and the verifier accepts this claim.


  3. zero-knowledge.

    The goal in designing the protocols is to prevent the verifier from gaining any new knowledge from a correct (interactive) proof. I.e., the protocol should be zero- knowledge in the following sense: whatever a verifier could learn by interacting with the correct prover, the verifier could learn itself.


  4. proofs-of-knowledge.

    Our protocols should also be proofs-of-knowledge: if the prover (or anyone imper- sonating him) can succeed in making the verifier accept, then there is another ma- chine, called the extractor, that can communicate with the prover and actually come up with the solution itself. This must involve running the prover several times using the same randomness (which is not possible under normal circumstances), so as not to contradict the zero-knowledge properties.


论文中证明中用到的唯一的密码学工具是 commitment protocol。一个承诺协议,发送方向接收方承诺一个值,接收方不会学到任何关于这个值有用的信息。这样的一个协议包含两个阶段:

  1. commit phase 承诺阶段。

    发送方绑定一些值 $v$,接收方不能决定任何关于 $v$ 有用的信息。特别地,对于任意的$b$和$b’$,接受方无法区分$v=b$和$v=b’$。这个性质称为 hiding

  2. decommit or reval phase

    接收方获得$v$后,确保它是原来的值,也就是说,一旦commit阶段结束,接收方会在reval阶段接收一个唯一的值。这个性质称为 binding

bit commitment可以高效执行。

Physical Protocols

在文章中使用 tamper-evident sealed envelopes,也就是防拆封信封。在数独的例子中,每个盖住的卡片当作是这样的 tamper-evident sealed envelopes,将卡片翻开就相当于拆开信封。

3. Cryptographic Protocols


  1. 存在一个解
  2. the prover 知道这个解


  1. The prover commits to several values. These values are functions of the instance, the solution and some randomization known only to the prover. 证明方承诺一些值。
  2. The verifier requests that the prover open some of the committed values—this is called the challenge. The verifier chooses the challenge at random from a collec- tion of possible challenges. 验证方发起挑战。
  3. The prover opens the requested values. 证明方打开要求的值。
  4. The verifier checks the consistency of the opened values with the given instance, and accepts or rejects accordingly. 验证方验证给定实例打开值的一致性,然后相应地接受或者拒绝。



The simulator operates in the following way: it picks at random a challenge that the verifier might send in Step 2 (i.e. it guesses what the verifier’s challenge will be), and computes commitments for Step 1 that will satisfy this challenge. The simulator simulates sending these commitments to the verifier, then it runs the verifier’s algo- rithm with the puzzle as its input, a fresh set of random bits and these commitments being the first message it receives. It then obtains the challenge the verifier sends in Step 2. If this challenge is indeed the value it guessed, then the simulator can open the commitments it sent and the verifier should accept; the simulator can continue simulating the protocol and output the transcript of the simulated protocol execution. Otherwise, the simulator resets the simulation and starts it all over again.

如果可能的挑战的数量是多项式的,那么每次模拟器猜测验证方的挑战,就是用“reasonably high”概率是正确的。这个过程保证了协议是零知识的,因为模拟器的输出和验证方从证明方交互得到的输出是不能区分的,但是模拟器这一过程的计算是没有和证明方交互的,那肯定不能得到任何关于解的知识。

3.1 A Protocol Based on Coloring

对于3-Colorability Protocol,证明者重新排列颜色,然后提交每个顶点重新排列之后的颜色。验证方随机选择一条边,检查边的两端颜色是否是不同的。




3.2 An Efficient Cryptographic Protocol with Constant Soundness Error

下面这种协议有常数的soundness error。这个协议的想法是将每个单元复制三份,创建关于解的行、列以及子网格的视角。复制后的每个单元随机排列,prover的工作是说明以下性质:

  1. 对应行、列、子网格含有所有可能的数字,如${ 1,2,…,n }$。
  2. 一个单元的三个版本的值都是相同的。
  3. 这些复制后的单元中包含预先确定的值。



上面过程不是很好理解,例如$n=4$的情况,$3 \times n^2 = 2 \times 4^2 = 3 \times 16$,数独谜题里填的数字范围是 ${ 1,2,3,4 }$。这样有解的三个副本,分别是行、列、subgrids。



  1. 提交$3 \times n^2$ 个值 $v_1,v_2,…,v_{3 \times 4^2}$。$v_{i_1}、v_{i_2}、v_{i_3}$ 是原来数独解中的值,有相同的值,$(i_1,i_2,i_3)$ 是一个三元组,是随机的下标,例如图中的$(3,16,9)$、$(80,1,17)$。
  2. 提交范围${ 1,2, \dots , 3 \times n^2 }$中 $n^2$个三元组$(i_1,i_2,i_3)$,例如${ (3,16,9),(80,1,17)\dots,(i_1,i_2,i_3), \dots }$。
  3. 提交步骤2中个每个三元组的名字,如$(3,16,9)$的名字就是$(rows,columns,subgrids)$,$(80,1,17)$对应的是$(subgrids,rows,columns)$。
  4. 提交步骤1中$3n$组位置,对应行、列和子网格,并且在每组中不会存在相交的两个单元格。例如图中蓝色箭头部分。


(a) 打开步骤1中$3 \times n^2$个值,以及步骤4中$3n$组的位置。验证每组中是否含有$n$个不同的值,任意两组之间不相交。



Overhead of our Protocols

上面两个协议都可以通过重复执行来降低soundness error。

4 Physical Protocols

物理上的协议,使用 Tamper Evidence作为物理的密码学基础,就是密封的信封。


The protocol does not prevent cheating by adversaries that accept the risk of being labelled as cheaters (in this respect it is similar to the model of covert adversaries).

两个函数需要用到:shuffle 和 triplicate。


  1. 密封的信封
  2. 刮刮卡
  3. 验证方和证明方在同一个房间,用标准的不透明卡片,密封就是把数字盖着,揭开数字就是翻转卡片,将数字朝上。


Protocol 3 A physical protocol with 1/9 soundness error

  • The prover places three scratch-off cards on each cell. On filled-in cells, he places three cards with the correct value, which are already open (scratched).
  • For each row/column/subgrid, the verifier chooses (at random) one of the three cards of each cell in the corresponding row/column/subgrid.
  • The prover makes packets of the verifier’s requested cards (i.e. for every row/ column/subgrid, he assembles the requested cards). He then shuffles each of the 3n packets separately (using the shuffle functionality), and hands the shuffled packets to the verifier.
  • The verifier scratches off all the cards in each packet and verifies that each packet contains all of the numbers.

这个协议需要执行的洗牌次数比较多,对于$9 \times 9$的情况,需要进行$3 \times n = 3 \times 9 = 27$次洗牌,在实际操作中这个次数过多。

4.1.1 Reducing the Number of Shuffles



4.2 A Physical Zero-Knowledge Protocol with no Soundness Error



4.3 A Protocol Using Scissors and a Sheet of Paper
